
Feedback Management Policy

1. Background

Caraniche has been delivering innovative psychological and behavioural health services for over 30 years.

As a not-for-profit organisation, we work with government departments, community agencies, private organisations and individuals around the country to deliver positive outcomes, across all aspects of mental and behavioural health.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all types of feedback (complaint, compliment or suggestion) that relates to a service, a product, a team or person within Caraniche.

3. Policy

Caraniche is committed to its purpose of ‘Connections that better lives’. As such, we have an ongoing commitment to quality improvement and engagement with clients. Feedback is one of the many ways we seek to understand our client’s needs and continually improve our services. At Caraniche, we value feedback as an essential element to achieve our purpose.

Caraniche has adapted the following principles, as described by the Health Complaints Commissioner, in respect to managing feedback.

a) If a client is not satisfied, has ideas on how we can continue to improve, or believes we are doing something well, we encourage them to contact us.

b) We take all feedback seriously and aim to resolve any complaints quickly and fairly.

c) We endeavour to make our feedback process easy and straightforward.

d) We will acknowledge feedback promptly, and inform the person providing the feedback the process of how it will be managed.

e) We will keep our communication clear, using minimal jargon and technical terms.

f) We treat all feedback fairly, and with objectivity and respect.

g) Our response to any complaint is clear and informative, and addresses the specific issues raised.

h) We provide information about any available internal or external review options.

i) Opportunities for improvement will be considered and acted on.

4. How do I provide feedback?


In person

You can ask your clinician for a copy of our Feedback Form and return it to them or put it in the feedback box at reception.



(03) 8417 0500


Attention: Feedback Officer

Level 1/260 Hoddle St, Abbotsford VIC 3067

Clients may also be invited to provide feedback throughout, or at the end of a service.

5. What can I expect?

a) We will record your feedback in our feedback management system.

b) We will investigate any feedback and look for opportunities for improvement.

c) We will respond to you, if you would like or if a response is implied.

d) We will attempt to resolve any issues with you.

e) We share aggregate feedback with our teams, so we can continue to learn from it.

6. What to do if you are not satisfied with our response

You can contact us on if you are not satisfied with the response.

If you remain dissatisfied with our response, you may contact the Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC).

The HCC responds to complaints about health services and the handling of health information in Victoria. Their service is free, confidential and impartial. To lodge a complaint with the HCC:

Fill out a complaint form online at or Phone 1300 582 113 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday to discuss your complaint.

NDIS participants have the right to complain about the services they receive directly to the NDIS Commission


Phoning: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged.

National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544.

Completing a complaint contact form:

7. Related Documents

Caraniche Feedback Form

8. Document control


Revision History:
Version No.: Preceding Version: Approved by: Description of changes to preceding version
4.0 3,1 Executive

Full review – updated Section 1 toreflect the latest organisational information. Added reference to Caraniche Feedback Form.

Document Owner (role title): Department owner: Approval Date:
Director of Strategy and Governance Risk and Quality 17 July 2024
Next Revision Date: July 2026