RAP Progress Report
Message from our RAP Champion, CEO Jacinta Pollard
Our RAP was first launched in December 2021 and documented our commitment to reconciliation and the active steps we would take to support justice for Aboriginal people. As a provider within the justice system, we have an ongoing obligation to recognise and understand the harms caused to Aboriginal people and communities and take steps wherever we can to address them. This requires us to continually assess our role and to look for opportunities to support the self determination of Aboriginal people and organisations.
Throughout 2023/24, we have worked hard to ensure that our RAP actions are embedded across the organisation in a way that is authentic and meaningful. We have looked for opportunities to listen and learn from Aboriginal people and to exchange knowledge, wisdom and expertise. We have sought out collaborative partnerships, working side by side with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and agencies. Our 2024 RAP Barometer Survey tells us that our team is committed to reconciliation, righting the wrongs of the past and understanding more about Aboriginal culture and that our work environment is central to that learning.
We have made significant progress since the start of our RAP. Our collective understanding has increased, our actions are more visible, and our commitment to reconciliation embedded. However, we recognise that these efforts are small compared to the injustice faced and we are committed to doing better as an organisation in providing a culturally safe environment and in influencing positive change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients and communities.